
How to thrive academically with UOW support services

UOW student Soutara Potter shares some of the services that got her where she is now.

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

PASS helped me so much in my first year. For some subjects that I wasn't particularly motivated for, I went purely to force myself to do the extra work, while for others, I went because I really struggled with the content. Any subject of mine that held a PASS session, I attended without fail. I found that everyone who attended PASS was in the same boat, we were all there to try and figure out content and learn from each other. The PASS leaders are incredibly supportive, and always came to each session prepared with fun and engaging activities for us.

While PASS is not a tutoring session, it is a great way to learn from your own peers - and even gain a deeper understanding of a topic when you're explaining it to another student! I would highly recommend attending PASS, and don't worry if some people think you're 'dumb' for attending the sessions. You're the one who will win out in the long run; your marks jump up so much after attending PASS!


Peer Academic Coaches (PACS) are found in the library and through the Learning Co-op, are there to assist you in finding online resources and referencing, amongst other things. PACs are all students who have excelled in their studies and possess all the necessary skills/knowledge in order to be able to help you locate whatever it is you are after.

Student Advocacy Officers

Student Advocacy Officers are available free to all UOW Students. They are there to assist you with any issue you may have, be it academic or personal and are also able to point you in the right direction for support regarding specific matters. If you feel like you have exhausted all options and still not getting anywhere, I would highly recommend getting in contact with a Student Advocacy Officer. They can assist and provide you advice on various matters such as Academic Consideration, harassment/bullying, subject related issues, apartment/housing/renting issues, and so on.

I, myself, have seen a Student Advocacy Officer and only have very positive things to say. I have recommended the service to friends, and they have found a great deal of help and support from it too. If you don't even know where to start, this is a good place as they are able to tell you what service available on campus is best suited to your needs.

Student Support Advisors

Student Support Advisors are available within each faculty for course/subject specific questions and/or issues. These may come from Academic Consideration, to planning out your subjects to be taken throughout your course. This is a service available to all students and can easily be accessed online or by reaching out to your relevant subject co-ordinator or lecturer for more information.

Student Counselling

While counselling at UOW is known to have long waits, they have triage options available and can also provide access to various local services that bulk-bill, as well as services that provide phone call counselling. UOW also has an after-hours line where you can call up and speak to a qualified professional.

You should definitely not be disheartened by the long waits in counselling, but rather rock up and have a chat to reception who can provide you with some options. Don't forget - bring a friend/family member if you need the extra support! Go here for more information.


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