
Futures transformed thanks to donor kindness

Futures transformed thanks to donor kindness

Meet some of the 2023 scholarship students

A future young leader

Ellie is a proud Wiradjuri woman who is trailblazing a path for other young leaders and women in STEM. She’s passionate about giving back to her community and hopes to tackle environmental challenges like bushfire rehabilitation in regional communities like the one she came from. Jess dreams of starting her own green consultancy in the future.

"When Dad and Pop came back from fighting the Black Summer bushfires in 2020, they spoke about the devastation and how much was gone. I knew then I really wanted to be part of rehabilitating disaster affected environments. Dad and Pop, they go to work when the disaster hits. I want to be part of the other side – a part of the recovery. They’re my inspiration and our purposes entwine… and come full circle."

Ellie comes from a family of nine in rural NSW. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Environment and Heritage. Without her Transforming Futures Scholarship, she would struggle to afford all the costs associated with attending university.

A hardworking student from a single parent family

Until he received this scholarship, Clive’s future felt uncertain. He grew up in the Shoalhaven region with his family, always struggling to get by. His single mum can’t work as she is a full-time carer to Clive’s sister. Clive couldn’t afford to move any closer to campus, so he was preparing himself for a year of long commutes.

"The moment I was told I was successful in my application to be a Transforming Futures Scholar, it felt as if a great weight was lifted from my shoulders. I knew I would be able to pursue my education without the stress of educational expenses! I’ll be better able to seek accommodation closer to campus and afford necessary resources for my education such as textbooks and transport costs. This scholarship means a lot to me. It will allow me to make the most of my education during my time at The University of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½."

Thanks to the kindness of donors, he can focus on completing his double degree (Bachelor of Engineering – Bachelor of Computer Science). When he graduates, he hopes to find work in sustainable architecture or game development.

A single mum with aspirations to help others

When Jess developed pre-eclampsia when she was pregnant with her daughter, that was the beginning of a journey that would ultimately lead her to pursuing a career in medicine. The kindness and expertise of the nurses caring for inspired her to enrol in nursing. Motherhood has also unlocked a dream to become a paediatrician. The generous support of donors has enabled Jess to reach the final year of her Bachelor of Nursing. Without the Transforming Futures Scholarship, she would have found it tough to negotiate the demands of motherhood with her coursework.

“When I found out I had won this scholarship I was in shock and disbelief. It made me feel honoured. This scholarship helps me to afford daycare for my daughter so I can study, and books and equipment to better my studies. It also pays for accommodation when I need it for placements."

Donate to the Transforming Futures Scholarship Fund