
SIP off the old block TAEM
SIP off the old block TAEM

Applications open for 2020 Student Initiated Projects (SIP)

Applications open for 2020 Student Initiated Projects (SIP)

Proposals to participate in the 2020 Student Initiated Project (SIP) to be presented in early Autumn session are now open. Proposals are open to current second year students in BCA Theatre and B. Performance looking to develop a program of short performance works.

Student Initiated Projects aka SIP, has been running since 2008. As always, SIP offers the opportunity to develop real world skills, and to work collaboratively and across art forms and disciplines.  SIPs aims to foster a greater awareness of contemporary art practices across the visual and performing arts as well as their interdisciplinary variants. It offers participating students a chance not only to initiate their own projects, but also to develop the practical skills essential to the realisation of such projects.

For this round, Performance and Theatre student submissions will be for short twenty-minute performance projects with minimal set requirements, leading to a program comprising three short works. Each application will include a proposal outlining the artistic aspirations for the works, a detailed budget, a rehearsal schedule and a production schedule that covers the entire program (3 short works). Successful applicants must be capable of working collaboratively and responsibly with other successful SIP recipients in order, including publicity and box-office and Front of House arrangements towards the success of the overall program.

Performances must open in either O Week or Week 1 of Autumn 2020.

All applicants must be able to convincingly explain their creative projects, which must demonstrate an awareness of developments in contemporary art and performance, including a project rationale including dramaturgical thinking, technical production/installation considerations and a publicity strategy. Interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.

Please note: B. Perf and BCA theatre students should consult with supervising mentor, Janys Hayes at least a week before the proposal deadline.

Students must use the relevant .

Proposals must be submitted to Sally Evans in the TAEM School office B25.113 by close of business (COB) Wednesday 20 November 2019. Notification of proposal outcomes will be announced via email by Monday 25 November 2019.

We look forward to receiving your proposals.

School of the Arts, English and Media