
Mobility scooter user Linda Thompson.
Mobility scooter user Linda Thompson.

Researchers join with industry to better understand the needs of mobility scooter users

Researchers join with industry to better understand the needs of mobility scooter users

Study awarded Australian Research Council Linkage Project funding.

Research on the integration of motorised mobility devices (MMDs) – such as mobility scooters and electronic wheelchairs – into society is urgently required. Little is known about the best way to support and regulate MMDs in Australia. Indeed, a key recommendation of the recent Senate Enquiry into Motorised Scooters was the need for research.

The University of ý (UOW) and Assistive Technology Suppliers Australia (ATSA) will collaborate on research into “integrated futures for motorised mobility devices” after their research proposal was awarded a three-year grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC) in the latest round of Linkage Projects funding announced on Friday 5 July.

The project aims to increase knowledge about the everyday meanings and experiences of MMDs. The project seeks to provide insights to how people who are reliant upon MMDs negotiate the current transport infrastructure

The research will provide important insight to advocates, suppliers, regulators, policy makers, and people who rely on MMDs. Anticipated outcomes include an empirical evidence baseline to inform planning and policy agendas in transport, disability and health.

The research may also influence the planning of infrastructure and the types of MMDs designed and sold in the future. 

In a context in which MMDs face increased regulation, this research will be invaluable. The research findings will go beyond just financial benefits, and will potentially have significant impact on the lives of people who rely on MMDs.

Professor Gordon Waitt, from UOW’s School of Geography and Sustainable Communities, said the project was a unique opportunity to generate new knowledge about the experiences of MMD users.

“The project will enable researchers, policy makers and industry stakeholders to better understand the everyday lives of MMDs users,” Professor Waitt said.

“Australia's MMD users will benefit, as the project is expected to help work against the social exclusions and isolation created by immobility within this vulnerable social group.”

“Our approach is new, because rather than surveys, the project applies novel qualitative methods that engage with users as individuals to help better reflect their everyday experiences as MMD users.”

Mr Sinclair, Executive Officer of ATSA, said: “The joint research project will combine industry knowledge with UOW research expertise on everyday mobility, will advance the public interest in the provision of MMDs, and contribute data that will benefit many elements of society, most of all MMD users.”

Professor Waitt said the project would combine qualitative methods, geographic information system technologies and interactive mapping databases, with dialogue groups representing diverse stakeholders.