
Mexico’s next president likely to defy Trump on immigration

Mexico’s next president likely to defy Trump on immigration

Mexico’s presidential candidates all agree Mexico can no longer maintain its policy of helping enforce U.S. immigration laws.

United States President Donald Trump has for the flow of Central Americans seeking to enter .

Migrants just cross Mexico like they’re “walking through Central Park,” .

In truth, Mexico is . In 2014 President Enrique Peña Nieto implemented a robust deterrence effort, the Southern Border Program, to deter migration across Mexico’s border with Guatemala.

Between 2014 and 2015, Mexican deportations of Central Americans traveling to the U.S. – primarily Guatemalans, Hondurans and Salvadorans – more than doubled, from in 2013 to in 2015. During the same period, U.S. border agents at the border.

That compliant attitude is about to change. Mexicans – and , from mayors all the way up to senators – on Sunday, July 1. It is the biggest and in Mexico’s history. And Trump’s draconian new immigration policies, which include , have .

Mexico’s four presidential candidates , from corruption to the economy. But they all agree on this: Mexico can no longer maintain its .

Nobody’s piñata

Presidential front-runner Andrés Manuel López Obrador is an outspoken who separating migrant families as “arrogant, racist and inhuman.”

He is widely expected to win on Sunday. The 64-year-old leftist has led the four-way race for months and currently has 49 percent of voter support, according to the .

López Obrador launched his presidential bid on April 1 with a rally in Ciudad Juárez, the northern Mexico city where thousands of migrants into the U.S. each year. In a fiery speech, López Obrador that, with him as president, Mexico would reassert itself as a “free, sovereign and independent” nation and would not be the “piñata” of any foreign power.

An early critic of President Peña Nieto’s Southern Border Program, López Obrador has the Mexican government of committing human rights violations in its persecution and deportations of Central American migrants.

On his watch, Mexico to its southern border, López Obrador says, but it would no longer do Trump’s “dirty work.” López Obrador wants Mexico to that protect the human rights of migrants and guarantee that asylum-seekers can find refuge in its borders.

Ricardo Anaya, the , has also attacked President Peña Nieto’s Central American migrants. Anaya says his country must be a “” on immigration, treating Central Americans in Mexico as justly and humanely as Mexican immigrants would like to be treated in the U.S.

The changing face of migration

Illegal immigration to the U.S. has changed radically over the past two decades.

The number of Mexicans apprehended crossing illegally has , from more than 1.6 million in 2000 to 130,000 last year.

Central Americans, driven by , now make up caught trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. In 2017, U.S. Border Patrol agents there arrested 303,916 migrants. Just over half of them – people – were from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Mexico has thus become a country for migrants.

It is also, increasingly, their . Mexico saw , up from . Only the U.S. received more Central American asylum-seekers, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency.

Rather than , President Peña Nieto’s administration in 2014 accepted to better secure its borders. His government persecuted migrants who journey through the country.

Mexico detained 40,920 Central American migrants . Nearly 35,000 were deported.

In 2016, the Obama administration recognized Mexico for “” so many Central American migrants. Trump has expressed no such gratitude.

The high cost of appeasing Trump

In 2016, Peña Nieto’s advisers invited both U.S. presidential candidates to visit Mexico.

Clinton the invitation. Trump, whose 2016 campaign was fueled by promises to build a , accepted.

In a joint press conference on Aug. 31, 2016, Peña Nieto emphasized his country’s contribution to U.S. immigration enforcement. The border, Peña Nieto , represents a “shared challenge” and a “great humanitarian crisis.”


Trump’s August 2016 visit to Mexico was calamitous for President Enrique Peña Nieto. AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills


Trump was subdued at that event. But he ridiculed the Mexican president at a campaign rally later the same day, insisting that Mexico would indeed .

“They don’t know it yet,” he in Phoenix, Arizona, “but they’re going to pay for it.”

Peña Nieto never recovered from this diplomatic disaster. According to the , 88 percent of Mexican citizens were offended by Trump’s visit – and by Peña Nieto’s behavior. The Mexican president’s approval rating to below 25 percent and never bounced back.

His party has paid the price. José Antonio Meade, the presidential candidate for Peña Nieto’s Revolutionary Institutional Party, has been stuck in throughout the 2018 election season.

Another Mexican revolution

López Obrador, a savvy career politician, has benefited from Peña Nieto’s mistake.

Even the choice of location for his campaign launch, Ciudad Juárez, that López Obrador’s attitude toward Trump would not be one of deference.

Juárez is not just a border city – it’s a symbolic place in Mexican history. It was the bulwark where Mexico’s only indigenous president, Benito Juárez, in 1867 fought back a French invasion and re-established a sovereign Mexican government. Juárez is also the city whose 1911 capture by pro-democracy forces during the forced dictator Porfirio Díaz to resign.

López Obrador closed his campaign on June 27, four days before the election . At a , he promised 100,000 supporters that he would “transform” their country.

The ConversationLike so many of López Obrador’s , his immigration plan is short on details. But it’s clear Trump has already lost his power of intimidation south of the border – even if, , he doesn’t know it yet.

, Senior Lecturer in Human Rights, Constitutional Law and Legal Theory,

This article was originally published on . Read the .

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