
Centre for Health Initiatives Director farewelled

Centre for Health Initiatives Director farewelled

A farewell function was held yesterday (12 June) for Professor Sandra Jones whose particular research interests in the public health sphere kept her for more than a decade in the constant media spotlight.

Current and past staff and students attended the farewell at 67 Dining as Professor Jones prepares to establish a new research centre at the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne.

She came to UOW in 2001 and was responsible for establishing the Centre for Health Initiatives (CHI) which began life as the Centre for Productivity and Health Research in 2002. It evolved with more staff in 2004 to be known as the Centre for Health Behaviour and Communications Research and in 2007 the current CHI was launched. In 2010 CHI became a Research Strength at UOW for the first time which continues today.

The CHI, which brings together academics and practitioners from disciplines including Medicine, Psychology, Nursing, Business, Education and Social Sciences, recently celebrated its 10th birthday. The CHI Annual Report was also launched at the birthday celebration, showcasing a range of research and social marketing initiatives achieved in 2013.

Professor Jones’ research focuses on the relationship between media and health, including the impacts of advertising on health behaviour, and the use of social marketing to improve population health.

She developed, implemented and evaluated a wide range of health-related social marketing interventions, particularly in the areas of cancer prevention and chronic disease management.

In 2012, Professor Jones was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship, reflecting her international recognition as a leader in the fields of media and health, including the impacts of advertising on health, and the use of social marketing to improve population health.

She conducts research in the area of advertising and marketing regulation, particularly in relation to alcohol marketing, including the impact of advertising on young people and alcohol advertising on social media. Her ARC Fellowship (2013-16) focuses on social norms around underage drinking.

Professor Jones spoke at the NSW Alcohol Summit 2013, attended by about 180 people including more than 20 NSW politicians, various health professionals, law enforcement officials, researchers and community representatives

She has held many UOW Governance roles including positions on the Academic Senate (2003-05), University Research Committee (2004-08), Associate Dean (Research) Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences (2004-09), Academic Probations Committee (2007-09), Professorial Promotions Committee (2010-present), 2012 ERA panel and UOW Research IT and Systems Committee (2012-present). Professor Jones has developed and co-ordinated numerous subjects in the former Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences as well as Graduate Certificates in Health Research and Social Marketing for Health currently being taught in the School of Health and Society, Faculty of Social Sciences.

Her other professional roles span across 16 other agencies including research advisory roles for the Cancer Council NSW, Asthma Foundation NSW, National Breast Cancer and Ovarian Centre and the Cram Foundation.